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Boom! You're IN!

We want to congratulate & welcome you to our team!

We’re excited to have you on board.

Your contributions and hard work will be instrumental in driving our success.

Follow the 4 onboarding steps!

Let's do this!


Join The Qualified Remote Setter Discord

This is our Discord community with all QRS members. 

We’d encourage you to connect with fellow peers, ask questions and share your small and big wins to inspire others in the community.

The main communication will all be through Discord.

Q&A live streams, exclusive training and important updates are also shared in these channels.

NOTE: Make sure to fill out your real name that will be displayed when you join the server in order to optimize and streamline your onboarding as much as possible

Join The Qualified Remote Setter Discord


Access The Qualified Remote Setter Program

Are you ready to access the learning portal?

Click the button down below to create your account and access the course.

If you need help, tag @John in your Discord private channel, we’ll be there to serve you.

Access The Learning Portal Now!


Fill Out Your Onboarding Form

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